
Abtei Omega 3 Plus with Omega 6-9 fatty acids

CHF 9.50
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for a normal cholesterol level

Abbey Omega 3 Plus supplements provide an effective solution for maintaining normal cholesterol levels. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that the body cannot produce on its own, so their intake through diet or supplements is essential. Abbey Omega 3 Plus is specially formulated to maximize the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids while supporting heart health.

Using omega-3 fatty acid supplements, such as those found in Abbey Omega 3 Plus, can help regulate cholesterol levels naturally. Omega-3 fatty acids can lower triglyceride levels and improve the ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol, contributing to healthier cholesterol levels overall.

When using Omega 3 dietary supplements

The high-quality formula of Abtei Omega 3 Plus guarantees optimal absorption of omega-3 fatty acids by the body. Regular intake can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and promote general heart health. In addition, Abtei Omega 3 Plus also offers other health benefits, such as supporting brain function and reducing inflammation in the body.

Overall, Abbey Omega 3 Plus is a reliable choice for those looking to naturally control their cholesterol levels while improving their overall heart health.

Omega-3-Konzentrat (34 %) (gewonnen aus Seefischöl (87 %) und Lachsöl (13 %)); Gelatine; Leinsamenöl (18 %); Olivenöl (12 %); Feuchthaltemittel Glycerin; Emulgatoren Mono- und Diglyceride von Speisefettsäuren, Sojalecithine; Vitamin E; Farbstoff Eisenoxide und Eisenhydroxide; Folsäure

Nährstoffe pro 2 Kapseln % der empf. Tageszufuhr
pro 2 Kapseln *
Ungesättigte Fettsäuren, davon 976 mg **
davon 600 mg
ALA (Alpha-Linolensäure) 300 mg **
DHA (Docosahexaensäure) 120 mg **
EPA (Eicosapentaensäure) 180 mg **
Omega-6-Fettsäuren 86 mg **
Omega-9-Fettsäuren 290 mg **
Vitamin E 15 mg α-TE 125 %
Folsäure 200 µg 100 %


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Perrigo Deutschland GmbH
Königstraße 26
70173 Stuttgart

1 – 10 Tage
Paket A-Post - CHF 9.50
Paket B-Post - CHF 8.00
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